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Made to measure

For over 10 years of our work, we talked to thousands of customers and met hundreds of difficulties they had faced during the design process of their bathroom. On the basis of our common experience we have developed a catalogue in which we present the most frequent problems in bathroom arrangement.

Years of experience have allowed us to develop all kinds of customized solutions that allow you to fully personalize the shower enclosure and implement the most unusual interior design.

Non-standard situations

See the most common bathroom challenges we have encountered in our over 20 years of experience.

Non-standard situations


Create a custom shower enclosure with the "Made to Measure" programme. Match the cabin to your bathroom.


Glass engraving

If you want to add to your bathroom an exceptional design, engrave an unique pattern on shower eclosure's glass.

Glass engraving

Print on glass

If you lack colour in your bathroom, use the service of coloured glass printing.

Print on glass

Shower trays Made to Measure

Does your bathroom have an unusual or difficult layout? See “Made to Measure” shower trays that can be cut to individual dimensions and shapes.

Shower trays Made to Measure

ShowerAR application

See Radaway products on your phone or tablet in AR technology.

ShowerAR application